There are no Space A flights directly into Yokosuka. The nearest AMC is located on Yokota AB.
AMC flights from the U.S. arrive at Yokota Air Force Base several days a week. When an inbound flight is scheduled, Navy buses are assigned to transport passengers to Yokosuka Navy Base. During peak PCS seasons, when additional AMC flights may be scheduled, additional bus transportation is provided.
Scheduled AMC flights typically arrive at Yokota AFB at about 0700. The actual arrival time of AMC flights is always subject to change. Navy buses usually depart for Yokosuka about two hours after the arrival of an AMC flight. The bus departure time will be adjusted if the flight arrives earlier or later than scheduled. Service members, either singles or with their families, traveling on PCS orders, have priority for seating on the bus. The bus ride From Yokota AFB to Yokosuka Navy Base is about 2-3 hours, longer if traffic is heavy.