The Force Support Squadron provides Morale, Welfare, and Recreation services to the base workforce in a variety of ways. A small sample of these services are childcare centers, recreation centers such as the Bowling Center, Golf Courses, Tennis Club, and Food Services such as Base Restaurants, the Club and Banquet Center. Services mostly consist of Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) employees.
NAF employment is considered federal employment. It is, however, different from federal civil service employment because the monies used to pay the salaries of NAF employees come from a different source. Civil service positions are paid for by money appropriated by Congress. NAF money, on the other hand, is self-generated revenue by Air Force clubs, bowling centers, golf courses, and other activities that utilize NAF employees.
They have two types of NAF positions: "flexible" and "regular." Flexible employees have work schedules that depend on the needs of the activity. These employees may work a minimum of zero hours to a maximum of 40 hours per week, and do not receive benefits. Regular employees work between 20 and 40 hours a week depending on position requirements, and are entitled to receive benefits. Regular employees are entitled to benefits such as health and life insurance, 401(k) savings plan, NAF retirement plan, and accrual of annual and sick leave and paid Federal holidays.
Below is a partial listing of employment opportunities:
Custodial Worker
Food Service Worker
Child and Youth Program Assistant
Recreation Aid
To apply for any job opening, please visit our website: