The Wright-Patterson Medical Center provides care for military and civilian personnel stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB. The Medical Center is home to the following clinics and departments: Allergy, Blood Donor Center, Cancer Care Center, Cardiology, Chiropractic, Dental, Dermatology, Emergency, Family Advocacy, Family Health Clinic, Flight Medicine, Immunization, Laboratory, Mental Health, Nutrition, OB-GYN, Optometry, Pediatrics and Pharmacy.
For specific clinic contact information and hours, please see the MTF website.
Source: AF MTF Website

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1 Review
The ER staff was very friendly, expedient and competent. I had a serious muscle tear and a cardiac dysrhythmia on 9/5/18 straight off the plane from MHAFB. They attended to me promptly and thoroughly. Special thanks to Lt Bell and his attending physician and my nurses and techs. Thank you so much!
posted over 6 years ago