The CG SUPRT Program is a professional staffed service that is available 24/7. Its purpose is to assist CG employees with a wide range of mental health and other life concerns, such as depression. relationship issues, and work stress, which may impact their ability to perform on the job and/or the family.
For Individuals: Services include face to face assessment, referral and short term counseling for a wide variety of personal concerns such as depression, relationship discord, and career transition. The program also offers telephonic assistance for financial and legal concerns. Another service of the program is telephonic and information assistance with life events that impact everyone. Examples of this service are finding eldercare and childcare providers and assistance with negotiating the college application process. CG SUPRT also offers health coaching to assist employees and their family members with health matters such as smoking cessation, weight management, and stress reduction. Finally, the program can assist with tax preparation.
For Management: Managers may also consult with the CG SUPRT Program when there is a workplace situation that may impact the stress of his/her employees OR when an employee's conduct or performance may be impacted by a personal concern.
For Organizations: Critical incidents, downsizing, and other large scale events can impact an entire organization. Services include training, critical incident response and education.
For Everyone: The CG SUPRT offers an extensive website that contains articles, mental health assessments, and national resources