Please visit us on CG Web for more information regarding deploying aircraft.
To assist transient aircraft passing through Air Station Miami the following information is provided: Prior Permission Required (PPR) request information: To request a PPR, contact the Operations Duty Officer (ODO) between the hours of 0800 and 2200 at 305-953-2130. Be prepared to provide the following:
Contact Information
Date/Time of Arrival
Date/Time of Departure
Type of Aircraft
Number of Crewmembers
VIP Embarked
Home Unit
Reason for Visit
Amount of Fuel Required
Cargo Onload/Offload
Amplifying Information
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PPRs are taken by the duty officer. Depending on workload, this may or may not be taken care of in one phone call. Fuel is provided by the GSA energy contract FBO fuel truck. If duty officer workload is light, a call to the FBO can be made to meet your aircraft on shutdown. However, a significant wait might be in order if things are busy in the operations center. This service is most suited for tactical aircraft with enhanced security requirements.
posted over 10 years ago