Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 0730-1130 (last prescriptions in by 1100) & 1230-1530. (last prescription in by 1500). The Pharmacy is open Fridays 0730 -1130, and closed in the afternoon for clinic training. Additionally, the pharmacy will be closed the entire 1st Wednesday of Every month. Telephonic re-fill services are available and can be used by calling (305) 953-2269. Please call in advance to ensure the pharmacy officer is on board especially for new prescriptions. Pharmacy services are available to all eligible beneficiaries for formulary medications with an ID card. Medications can be picked up by an authorized sponsor providing the patients ID card and a letter authorizing pick up is signed and presented to the pharmacy at time of services. Information for the Tricare Mail-order program is readily available for an alternative resource.