Records Office/Release of Information Office at TMAC handles outpatient and inpatient medical records.
Most outpatient and inpatient records must be assembled, coded, and signed by medical provider before being duplicated. Behavioral health and records marked as sensitive must be reviewed and cleared by a provider before being released. Requests are typically processed within 30-45 business days. In efforts to meet your request in a timely manner, we ask that you specifically state what documents you are requesting, i.e. Surgery from October 2015. Requesting everything for the past 20 years can delay the process.
If you have further questions, please stop by the Release of Information Office located on the lower level of the hospital in room G1A-150.
The following can normally be processed on the same day as a walk-in:
Most EKG's
Laboratory Results
Radiology Results
Electronic Physician Notes
Electronic Pediatric Records
Requesting Process:
Patients may request a copy of their medical records by providing a valid Photo ID, completing DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information) and Patient’s Contact Information Form.
Patients who are emancipated or of 18 years and older, must sign an authorization for release of their own medical records.
Step-Parents or Legal Guardians may request copies with appropriate documentation: A copy of the court order appointing guardianship, Subpoena signed by a judge or Medical Power of Attorney.
Under AR 40-66, exemptions may be made for minor children, physically or mentally disabled individuals.
Request Submissions:
ALL completed forms may be personally delivered, faxed, mailed or emailed to the Release of Information Office.
Mission of Release of Information for Legal, Sensitive or Behavioral Health Information
To provide medical information in a prompt and professional manner while protecting the patient’s privacy and ensuring each request is released in accordance with State and Federal laws.
Our staff will need to obtain authorization from the Judge Advocate Office and/or Behavioral Health Provider, prior to the releasing marked of records.
HIPAA Compliance Specialist: (808) 433-2237
ROI Legal Technician/Judge Advocate: (808) 433-5311
Outside Networks and Civilian Records Requests
If you are being seen at by an outside network (civilian facility/provider) their office will need to contact us directly to request necessary documentation.
The release of medical records or documentation directly to another Healthcare Provider does not warrant a request form.
Requesting medical documentation from an outside network for your personal keeping will require you to file a request through their facility.
Radiology Images
Medical Correspondence can only provide written results and/or notes of the taken images. To request actual images, please contact the Radiology File Room at (808) 433-5870.
Preparing to Retire or Separate
Active duty members preparing to retire or separate should obtain a copy of all their medical records 3 months prior to their final out processing date.
To ensure members are provided with a full copy of their Active Duty Service Treatment Record after their retirement or separation, we advise members to return to ROI with their initially copied record for updates.
Active duty members in/out-processing TAMC, should visit the Outpatient Medical Records service desk located on the Mountainside Entrance of the hospital.
Source: Requesting Medical Records Website