The medical centers services and capabilities are vast. It houses a 36-bed nursery and nine-bed LDR wing; an expanded ICU; 10 operating suites, with an additional four-bed outpatient surgery center on campus; a 47-bed outpatient surgery department with four endoscopy suites; an emergency department with 11 private treatment rooms, fast track resources and the capability to treat more than 40,000 patients each year; a large, comprehensive radiology department; and a spacious mall hospital entrance, with all outpatient test facilities conveniently located there. Other amenities include an open, airy dining room with cafeteria, grill and sandwich bar facilities, and a conference center that can seat up to 300 people for meetings or community education classes.
The medical center is located at 129 North Washington Street, providing easy access to other Tuomey facilities like the Cancer Treatment Center - across the street - and the new, on-campus Outpatient Surgery Center.