The Shaw AFB ID Card Facility (RAPIDS) site can assist with all ID card, DEERS, and CAC related issues. Call or use the RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler link to set up your appointment today.
Making an Online Appoinment
When making an appointment online, we would like all entries completed; however, mandatory entries are your first and last name , phone number and e-mail address.
Attention Dependents of Military Personnel
Your sponsor must be present in order to obtain an military ID card. If your sponsor is not present, you must have one of the following: an original DD FM 1172 (within 90 days) in hand or scanned in DEERS or an original Power of Attorney
Have a successful visit
Bring all req'd documents-see specific requirements below, please call 803-895-1596 if you have questions. All documents must be in English or include a certified translation. Note a birth registration card does not take the place of a Birth Certificate
Required Documents for ID Cards
Dependent Children under 18 in DEERS do not need identification. Spouses and children 18 and over must have two valid forms of ID. One of them must be unexpired state or govn't issued photo ID, passport, Birth Certificate, SSN card, etc...
Lost/Stolen ID Cards (All CAC ID HOLDERS)
A counseling statement is required and signed by your unit 1st Sgt or CC . For Civilian Personnel, NAF, AAFES and DECA a statement from HRO, CC or 1st Sgt. Contractors: a statement from their QAE or TASS TA, 1st Sgt or CC
Lost /Stolen Cards for Dependents
Dependents: Must have at least one federal or state issued photo I.D., sponsor must be present and or a Special or General Power of Attorney. Anyone over age 18 must have two forms of ID for re-issue. Copy of police report if reported.
Dress and Appearance for Military Personnel
Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard…will need to be within the “Regulation Standards” for ID issue. (Clean shaven, hair, make-up, jewelry). It is recommended to wear light colored clothing for the photo to allow birth date to be visible on the CAC.
Adding a Spouse to DEERS
The sponsor needs to bring the following for their spouse: Marriage Cert, Birth Cert, SSAN card, & a photo ID. All must be originals or certified true original copies. AD-AF: This process takes time so we ask that if you schedule an appointment block off
Adding a spouse (continued)
If your spouse is a foreign national- we need original Marriage Certificate, Birth Cert, and a valid photo ID. We will need a certified translation into English to complete the process. This process takes time so we ask that if you schedule an appointmen
Children over 21 and Full Time Student Status
All full-time College students MUST bring a letter from their school registrar's office stating they are enrolled full time in an accredited college in pursuit of an AA Degree or higher, and expected date of graduation.
Children over 21 and Full Time Student (Continued)
Sponsor will also need to certify on the DD Form 1172 (ID Card Application) that he/she is providing over 50% support. Benefits may then be extended to age 23 or date of graduation; whichever comes first.
Parent Enrollment
You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, Service Members Birth Certificate & a valid Photo ID. A photo ID, Birth certificate and SSAN Card of the parent will need to be provided as well.
Parent Enrollment Continued
Parent In-Law, You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval**, Service Members SPOUSES Birth Certificate. A photo ID, Birth certificate and SSAN Card of the parent-in-law will need to be provided as well. **Must reapply prior to ID renewal.
Enrolling Dependent Ward
Requires a DFAS letter of approval, Court Document placing the child in the member's household for at least 12 consecutive months, Birth Cert and SSAN Card. All documents must be translated into English and certified. **Must reapply prior to ID renewal.
Incapacitated Child over 21
You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval**, Medical Sufficiency Statement, a photo ID and a second form of identification (Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, passport, student ID) **Must reapply prior to ID renewal.
Children Born out of Wedlock
Female Sponsors: Birth Certificate and social security card; Male sponsors: Court order establishing paternity, an approved Dependency Determination letter from DFAS or a State VAP (Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity) Form, Birth Certificate, SSN Card
Walk-In Customers
All walk-in customers are seen on a first come, first serve basis. Wait times for walk-ins can exceed 2 hours depending upon the number of customers waiting for service. Appointments have priority and are strongly recommended.
Disabled American Veteran Rated at 100%
You will need a letter from the VA, rating you at 100% disabled due to service connected disability (Award/Rating Package not accepted), DD Form 214, Birth Certificate, SSAN Card and photo ID. See adding spouse or child for additional requirements.
Turning 65?
If you are turning age 65 and will be eligible for TRICARE FOR LIFE, bring your Medicare card to your ID appointment, along with 2 forms of ID. One of the IDs must be a picture ID, and must not be expired. Sponsor required or valid POA presented.
Cancel/Reshedule Appointments
Customers will need to know their confirmation number to cancel/reschedule an appointment. Please keep a copy of your appointment confirmation page. If more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you will need to reschedule or may be seen as a walk-in

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1 Review
I'm an active duty servicemember transitioning to the Reserve, and my kids have always been enrolled on my DEERS and Tricare; and they continue to be. I just found out my ex-wife was able to walk into this office at Shaw AFB and schedule my kids in their step-dad's DEERS and Tricare, and they are now fraudulently dual-enrolled in Tricare. This place must not have checked on existing coverage/enrollment and has now fraudulently dually enrolled my kids.
posted about 8 years ago