Outdoor Recreation at Redstone Arsenal provides diverse opportunities throughout the year for our customers. These activities include opportunities to participate in and enjoy the great outdoors. With the warm Alabama weather, individuals can indulge in personalized skeet lessons, camping, fishing, hunting, canoeing, and enjoying other outdoor adventures. Building #5139 houses equipment rental, hunting/fishing operations, a private conference room, ladies and men’s locker rooms, and management offices. We have the perfect items for your unit organizational day, backyard party, or weekend recreational getaway.
The emphasis in Outdoor Recreation is on skill development and opportunities to acquire lifetime leisure abilities. Outdoor Recreation specialists are available to assist customers with various activities such as camping, canoeing, boating, fishing, hunting, and so much more!!
The Trap and Skeet Range is located right next to us on Sportsman Drive and is available for the entire Redstone Community daily from 0930-1700. They've got the lowest price in North Alabama: $5/round (25 birds). All firearms must be registered in advance for recreational use on Garrison property. For information, call +1(256) 876-4868 or +1(256) 876-6854.
Source: Outdoor Recreation Website