The Randolph ID Card Facility can assist you with all your ID, CAC, DEERS, and other RAPIDS needs.
Please schedule your appointment 60 days before expiration. For children turning 10, please schedule them an appointment 60 days before their 10th birthday.
If your fail to schedule an appointment before your ID expires you can experience longer wait times.
To schedule an appointment please select the next available appointment highlighted in Green, if there are no open appointments and the calendar is Gray please click on the next appropriate month.
If there is nothing available on the calendar, the schedule is posted on the 15th of every month.
All members with appointments must sign in 15 minutes prior to appointment. An appointment may consist of (1) CAC ID (chip) or up to (2) Dependent/Retired ID (no chip) cards. Please schedule multiple appointments based on the number of ID cards needed.
***Please note the RAPIDS website will only work if you are willing to continue past the browser security warning***
Source: RAPIDS Website

Leave a Review
35 Reviews
Took a month to get an ID card renewal appointment. Then when my dependent showed up at the appointment, ID card system was down. My dependent was told to come back. Now we are back, it took 1 hr 45 mins to be exact before we were called in inside to start the process. Not an efficient process. I recommend rescheduling the customers when unscheduled system downtime occur so they know exactly when to return; and/or option to walk-ins if customer is willing to wait. Please relook at your process.
posted over 6 years ago
The ID website doesn't work. I started trying to renew my ID card online long before it expired. Now that it has been expired for two weeks, I finally called a help line from the JBSA card renewal page. The young man was helpful. He said that I should call the nearest facility and ask for an appointment because my card had expired and the I was unable to do the application online. I proceeded to the ID card facility page and found the phone number. From there all down hill. Nothing works
posted over 6 years ago
I tried the RAPIDS Appointment and hit a snag like everyone else. Tried calling the ID Card Facility # and the recording told me to go to RAPIDS Appointment which obviously does not work. The Online Dependent ID Card Renewal Application requires you to download a form that will direct you to a website that shows as NOT SECURE. I found the number for Fort Sam Houston and tried my luck. Someone answered and gave me an appointment a month from now. That's better than not getting any help at all.
posted over 6 years ago
I just called the ID Card Facility Phone & not only did someone answer the phone, I also got an appointment just 2 weeks out. I was expecting the worst after reading the reviews, but was pleasantly surprised!!
posted over 6 years ago
No one apparently works here. No way to contact a person. No way to schedule using Papids system. Nothing works.
posted almost 7 years ago
U need more open lines to receive customers . Is there a operating office to walk in and make an appointment?
posted almost 7 years ago
On March 27, 2018, I reported the RAPIDS website security certificate issue via the JBSA Facebook group page. After reviewing the certificate's details, the invalid certificate has been active since August 2017.
posted almost 7 years ago
You are too casual the ID card is a lifeline necessary you would think you would consider your jobs of more importance for support of the military!!! Can not any longer walk in & if persons can not make appointments on a scheduling site??? ....what the heck good is this???
posted about 7 years ago
If you call you CAN NOT reach a person. If you click on the appointment link it google will not let you open it because it is not secure......This is insane! This issue according to the other reviews has been going on for quite some time....
posted about 7 years ago
Give yourself plenty of time before you actually need a new ID if you have to use any of the JBSA facilities. Expect to wait nearly 6 weeks for an appointment if you need to use Randolph and maybe a little shorter wait times elsewhere. I don' know how this backlog can be considered acceptable by anyone in charge but it seems to have been this way since I retired four years ago and nothing has changed. I hope I remember to plan well ahead in four years when I need to go through this again.
posted about 7 years ago
First, I do not believe anyone reads these reviews except those trying to make an appointment. The website does not work...nor has it for months. You cannot get through on the phone as the voice message tells you (1) go to the website (2) they do not take walk in except in an extreme emergency. The office is open from 7:30 to 3:30, five days a week. FOR WHAT! If you cannot get an appointment why open at all. Really a government run program.
posted about 7 years ago
The RAPIDS appointment web site doesn't work....It promptly states it has been hacked...No answer on phone lines....been trying for weeks.....Left messages and no return call...
posted over 7 years ago
I just spoke with a person who answered the "ID card facility #", and he was more than helpful and friendly, not response I expected after reading the reviews. Thank you.
posted over 7 years ago
The required online scheduler doesn't work and there is no answer at the ID office. Way to go JBSA. I'm gonna go in person just like we used to. Ditto - - going in Thursday AM. Messages left at 2=Tech, 6=NCOIC, 7=Supervisor. None returned my call. Can a visit to the Base Commander be far behind?
posted over 7 years ago
As usual, when the feds try to make something more 'efficient' or 'rapid', it ends up not working and taking forever. The required online scheduler doesn't work and there is no answer at the ID office. Way to go JBSA. Millions spent on the new site and I'm gonna go in person just like we used to.
posted over 7 years ago
This system is terrible. I lost my ID and the system will not allow access to make an appointment and when I try another computer there are no appointments until September. I have a doctors appointment in 1week. Plus no phone numbers work.
posted over 7 years ago
When I logged onto this site I received a security alert indicating that this web site has possible malicious content and that the security certificate is invalid. Please have your web security personnel review and correct the problem. Thanks
posted over 7 years ago
I tried this morning to make an appointment to get a new Id Card and site shows no available appointments even when I went out 6 months. I refuse to believe this is true. Please fix the site!!!
posted over 7 years ago
The site will not allow someone to make an appointment and others have left numerous reviews stating this. But you havent fixed the problem?
posted over 7 years ago
I need to schedule an ID appointment for my dependent. Been trying for past week & keep getting an error message. Any suggestions? Thank you
posted over 7 years ago
Firefox says this website does not have right configuration to protect my info and will not connect-how can I make an appointment?
posted over 7 years ago
This is the message I get when try to log onto the website to book an ID Card appointment: The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
posted over 7 years ago
My husband, a 100% disabled vet, lost his retired military ID card. We went to Pass and ID this morning and after explaining the situation to the Airman on duty at the entry desk, he said they would take care of it. We only had to wait 15 minutes when he was called in. Perhaps in another 10 minutes, he had a new ID card. The service was friendly and caring. We were totally impressed. This was definitely military taking care of military. Thank you.
posted over 7 years ago
How can I make an appointment if none are available? My card will be expired. Why is everything so dang difficult?
posted almost 8 years ago
I tried to access rapids through this website, but the connection doesn't work. Needs maintenance.
posted about 8 years ago
Just tried to access Rapid Appointment web site without success. Get message that one on the sites certificates is expired so no access. Seems this is an ongoing problem looking at past reviews. CMS Retired T. Yeager
posted about 8 years ago
I have spent about 2 hours trying to make an on line appointment. All of your sites appear to be virus ridden. I just read the following on this page . APPOINTMENTS MUST BE MADE ONLINE USING THE RAPIDS APPOINTMENT SCHEDULER. It is demanding the impossible. I will be at the ID card office tomorrow to set an appointment and get an ID card.
posted about 8 years ago
I have spent the last three hours trying to get an appointment via phone and online. The only person I got to speak with was the info desk who told me to drive to base???? I think this is really poor service. I can understand them being busy but they could at least allow me to leave a call back number.
posted over 8 years ago
No problem setting up and appointment. From start to finish about 5 minutes. A very pleasant experience.
posted over 8 years ago
This is what the RAPIDS site says when I tried to go there today: "Your connection is not secure The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."
posted over 8 years ago
HELP!!!!! The appoinment web site is totally INOP.. It never comes up. The phone numbers for Fort Sam are also inop. One cuts you off and the other just rings forever and then hangs up. I have NO WAY to get an appointment. I sure hope someone is monitoring this rating and can help.Please, We need an ID Card to get on Tri-Care.... Respectfully Submitted....
posted over 8 years ago
rapids is blocked really bad appointment site!!!! who ever did this needs to redo what if i did not have comp?
posted over 8 years ago
Excellent service....prompt and courteous. Sr. Airman Vue handled our i.d card renewal in an efficient and professional manner. Much better service than we have experienced in the past at Ft. Sam. The appointment process worked great! LtCol Bill McBride USMC
posted over 8 years ago
Waiting 10 days for an appt to renew your ID Card is very poor. Obviously needs a new system implemented or at the least a review of the current system to find out why this amount of time would be required.
posted over 8 years ago
I've just spent nearly 2 hrs. trying to find out how to make an app't. for an ID card. First of all, there's no phone # listed in the Randolph base directory for Pass and ID. I tried every possible way. Then when I finally learned that I had to make the app't. online, every time I tried I got the message that I was in an insecure connection and someone might be trying to hack my information. How on earth are you supposed to get an ID card at Randolph?
posted about 9 years ago