Mildenhall Base Operator: 01638-54-1110 (Commercial) or 314-238-1110 (DSN)
- England is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.
- When dialing a commercial number from the U.S., you will dial 011, then the country code 44, a four-digit area code (xxxx), and then the six digit number (xxx-xxx).
- If you see a five-digit area code with a “0” as the first number, drop the zero and use the last four digits.
- Example, 01638-551-234, you would dial 011-44-1638-551-234.
- If you need to call an RAF Mildenhall DSN number from the U.S., use 314-238-xxxx.
- To convert a number from the Defense Switched Network (DSN) format, to a commercial number, dial 01638, then 54 (or 52), then the last four numbers of the DSN.
- Example, DSN 238-5555 would be locally 01638-54-5555 and from the states would be 011- 44-1638-54-5555.