All customers entering building 3455 are asked to select a ticket from the Q-Matic machine located inside the main entrance and have a seat. Customers are also asked to have all pertinent documents readily available to expedite their wait time and assist the staff in providing quality customer service.
For more information, call (808) 449-0865.
Common Access Card (CAC)
CACs are issued to all active duty military members, reserve, retired military, DoD civilians and dependent family members, and eligible DoD contractors who need access to DoD facilities or DoD computer network systems.
CACs are issued at ID card issuance offices. Note: Nimitz Pass & ID Office do not issue CaCs. The RAPIDS Site Locator provides a listing of those offices. Some ID card issuances offices offer appointments using the Appointment Scheduler.
All personnel requesting restricted area badges (RAB) should report to Nimitz Visitor Control Center for issuance. Hours of operation are Monday- Friday from 8 a.m. -12 p.m.
Personnel Authorized Access to JBPHH:
U.S. Military Personnel, Dependents and Retirees
U.S. Department of Defense Civilians and Retirees
U.S. Government Civilians (Non-Department of Defense)
City, County and State of Hawaii Officials
Trusted Traveler
Installation Contracted Service Providers
Ohana Military Communities (now owned by Hunt; formerly Forest City)/Hickam Communities Employees
Temporary Identification Cards, Call-Ins and Passes:
Temporary ID cards and passes are intended for personnel and agencies requiring routine unescorted access to the installation greater than 30 days but less than one year. This includes DBIDS credentials, which may be issued to:
Taxi cabs, limousines and shuttles on contract through the Single Source Coordinator (AAFES)
Licensed food vendors
Non-profit organizations
DoD/DoC Civilian Spouse of member affiliated with JBPHH
Non-military affiliated college students
Houseguests (180 day increments)
LEND/LEASE Tenants (Annual)
News Media Access
Media representatives may be granted access after coordination through the JBPHH Public Affairs Office (PAO) and must be escorted at all times. Contact the PAO at (808) 473-2926 or 473-3788, or the duty cell phone, (808) 371-5189.
Unofficial Foreign Visitor Request
A Foreign National Visitor Request Form is used to request unofficial visits of foreign nationals to JBPHH. The JBC is the approving authority for all visits. Examples include but are not limited to unofficial military office visits, visiting family members to a resident on base, etc.
Phone Numbers:
Pass and ID office:
- Issues visitor passes, gold cards, agent cards and Rapidgate credentials.
Phone: (808) 449-0865
Special Events section:
- Provides passes for request of 11 guests or more in accordance with JBPHH instruction 5510.1.
Special Events Request Forms: Special Events Agreement and Special Event Visitor List
Phone: (808) 449-0870 (Special Events)
Email: [email protected]
Reports and Analysis section:
- Provides police reports, background investigations/checks, weapons registration, Hawaii Armed Services Police (HASP) Reports, traffic citations/Traffic Court and Traffic Warden Program.
(808) 474-9140 (Navy Reports)
(808) 449-0866 (Air Force Reports)
* Reports and Records Section (Air Force & Navy reports): 0800-1400 (M-F*)
(808) 449-0877 (Traffic Division/Weapons Registration/Fingerprinting services)
* Weapons Registration: 0800-1300 (M, T, TH, F*)
* Traffic Management: 0800-1400 (M-F*)
* Traffic Court (Bldg. 679): 1245 (Wed Only*)
(* denotes except Federal holidays and directed down days)