The South Patrick Chapel at Patrick AFB welcomes you! Join them for worship and fellowship during our services or meet and serve with them in one of the ministries available throughout the week. They are here to provide religious needs, confidential counseling and pastoral care. They also advise leadership on religious requirements, spiritual needs, and moral issues that impact mission, quality of life and religious freedom. Feel free to contact them and let them know how they may be able to assist you.
Catholic Services
Liturgy of Masses
South Patrick Chapel Masses
Saturday Vigil Mass: 1700
Sunday Mass: 0830
Reconciliation: Saturdays 1600 at South Patrick Chapel, or anytime on request
First Eucharist/First Reconciliation/Confirmation: Contact RE Coordinator
Baptism/Marriage: Contact Priest
Anointing of the Sick/Hospital Visits: Contact Priest
Faith Formation
Religious Education Pre-K-8: Sundays 1000-1130: August-May at Youth Center /South Patrick Chapel
High School (9-12): Sundays: 1330-1530 South Patrick Chapel
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Contact RE Coordinator
Sacramental Prep Sessions: Contact RE Coordinator
RE Family Activity Sundays
Adult Enrichment (seasonal): Contact RE Coordinator
Vacation Bible School (summer): Contact RE Coordinator
Retreats/Parish Mission (seasonal): Contact Priest
Catholic Women of the Chapel: Meets monthly. Contact Program Coordinator for specifics.
Outreach/Service Projects
Daily Bread Outreach to Homeless
Habitat for Humanity
Catholic Heart Work Camp
Socials/Fellowship Teams
Local Community Outreach Projects
Catholic Charities
Angel Tree
Devereux Home for Youth
Protestant Services
Sunday Contemporary: 1100
-Children's Church offered for ages 3-12 at both services
-Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month at both services
Active Protestant Ministries
Praise and Worship: Praise Band for 1100 service
Prayer Ministry
Religious Education
Youth/Teen Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Bible Study
Men’s Ministry
Senior Men’s Bible Study
Singles’ Ministry
Feed Your Family/Feed Your Faith: 1700 Wednesday evenings at South Patrick Chapel (September – May)
-Enjoy a home-cooked dinner! 1800-1900 - Various Adult and Child Bible Studies
Missions - Global/Local (Local includes “Daily Bread Outreach to Homeless”)
Scripture/Lay Readers
Protestant Religious Education
Feed Your Faith - The following classes are offered Wednesday evenings from September – May during our "Feed Your Faith" Program.
Dinner is at 1700 and classes start at 1800-1900, South Patrick Chapel
Adult Bible Study Classes
ETHOS Youth Classes (Energetic Teens Honoring Our Savior)
Infants and Toddlers Bible Classes
Pre-K Bible Classes
1st-3rd Grade Bible Classes
4th-6th Grade Classes
Children's Church - Offered for ages 3-12 at both services
Source: Chapel Website