The Offutt AFB Law Center provides legal services to all active duty personnel, military dependents, retirees, members of the Guard and Reserve* members on active duty orders.
Active Duty Members & Dependents: Call (402) 294-3732 (DSN 271-3732) for an appointment.
*Guard and Reserve: Call (402) 294-3732 (DSN 271-3732) prior to going to the legal office to check your eligibility for legal assistance, notaries and powers of attorney. Some services may only be available on Title 10 orders only.
Retirees & Dependents: The Offutt AFB Law Center reserves one day per month for retirees and dependents to receive wills and other legal assistance. Please call the law center at (402) 294-3732 (DSN 271-3732) for information on our next retiree day. (Retirees and dependents are welcome during walk-in hours for notary and Powers of Attorney services).
Notary & Power of Attorney Services (walk-in)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
For Powers of Attorney, please visit this website and complete the form prior to going to the legal office.
Legal Assistance and Wills
AD and Deployers, by appointment only, please call (402) 294-3732 (DSN 294-3732)
For Wills, please visit this website and complete the form prior to calling for an appointment.
Legal Assistance is provided in a wide range of areas including:
· Family Law Issues
· Wills & Living Wills*
· Special Needs Children Issues
· Landlord - Tenant Issues
· Identity Theft / Financial Fraud
· Debt Collection
· Immigration and U.S. Citizenship
· Bankruptcy
· USERRA Rights for Guard/Reserve
JAG Legal Assistance services are not limited to these areas. If you have a question regarding a topic not listed, contact our office at (402) 294-3732 to see if we can be of assistance.