In Case of Emergency:
On Base DSN Dial: 439-4911
Off Base Dial: 9-9-9
The Branch Medical Clinic is responsible for providing care to Naval Support Activity Bahrain, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, Commander Fifth Fleet, and 91 tenant commands. They provide primary care delivery to more than 3,800 beneficiaries ashore and provide medical support to more than 12,000 fleet Sailor, Marines, and other DoD personnel operating in the Central Command theatre. All inpatient care is provided by local, host nation facilities and must be coordinated by the TRICARE/ Health Benefits Office.
Source: NavyMed

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1 Review
I have been in Medicine for 25 years and was extremely disturbed that my daughter was refused treatment by a Navy physician who refused to see and evaluate a Subungual Hematoma of her fingernail. The extreme pain is relieved with a 5 minute procedure. Subsequently an Army physician stepped in and performed the procedure. Thank you to the Army physician for your professional ethical standards. The rating is for the Army Doc!
posted over 7 years ago