Naval Branch Health Clinic Mayport, Florida provides the finest medical care to beneficiaries. The Clinical Staff consists of 25 Health Care Providers along with 190 Allied and Support Staff.
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3 Reviews
Quarter deck and eye guy super helpful and pharmacist Lou is the best.
posted about 6 years ago
Service here is TERRIBLE!!! You have to stay on top of them to make sure they do they job. It is so unprofessional. I called Tricare to confirm information, and what the clinic told me was inconsistent with the actual Tricare rules. They make my Blood Pressure HIGH!!
posted over 6 years ago
Long wait on appointment phone line call, no appointments available, told to call back next month. Can't go off base! This is so wrong on how we treat our dependents and retires. And the liaison does not call back
posted over 7 years ago