DIILS is the lead defense security cooperation resource for professional legal education, training and rule of law programs for international military and related civilians globally. Through mobile education teams, resident courses and other programs, DIILS develops and implements effective
security cooperation programs to build partner legal capacity, including equitable, transparent and accountable security sectors, civilian control of the military, respect for human rights and good governance.
A critical mission goal is to build partners' security-sector legal capacity by sharing methods of addressing legal and military challenges and lessons learned from contingency operations. Programs focus on contemporary legal challenges faced by partner military and civilian leaders, to include military justice, the legal aspects of combating terrorism and corruption, the defense institution-building aspects of Security Sector Reform, the law of armed conflict and human rights, and the day-to-day challenges of running professional militaries under civilian oversight.
DIILS remains committed to the highest level of professionalism by providing unrivaled subject matter expertise in a manner that recognizes and respects cultural sensitivities and encourages diversity of opinion. Our uniformed instructors partner with leading government and civilian experts to deliver relevant and insightful programs in all areas that promote the rule of law.
DIILS is a component of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. DIILS works with stakeholders to ensure our programs are current and consistent with U.S. strategic goals and policies. DIILS also works closely with the Geographic Combatant Commands to coordinate programs in their respective areas of focus.
Source: DIILS Website