The Force Protection Office at Naval Base San Diego is located on Senn Rd. next to the NBSD Base Theater.
The Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) Force Protection Department is tasked with the responsibility of providing physical security for all property and material within the jurisdiction of the Commanding Officer, NBSD, enforcing regulations/directives and providing assistance during periods of disaster. In the performance of this undertaking, security personnel shall set the example of sobriety, neatness, courtesy, and shall display impeccable attention to duty.

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2 Reviews
Came aboard to exercise at Admiral Prout Field house. No parking available, traveled around to park along McCandless Blvd. Observed patrol car with flashing lights opposite traffic lane. Was stopped by an MA who appeared very frustrated. Told him was just trying to park. Not sure what the big deal was. No runners or any danger at the time. Eventually spoke with supervisor to plead my case. Suggest common sense training for security force members.
posted almost 7 years ago
There is a failure to have enough personnel on hand to open more gates, earlier so that we all can get to our support jobs on time! PIease establish some flexibility. Waiting in a traffic line for 30 min to get on the base is inefficient, unsafe, and not enviro-friendly! Thank you for protecting our forces.
posted over 8 years ago