Naval Branch Health (Medical) Clinic at Naval Base San Diego is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the area. It is located on the Dry side of NBSD just behind the Admiral Prout Field House. It is very convenient to I-5 and easy to get in and out.
Overseas, Sea Duty, and Suitability Screenings performed at BHC NTC. To arrange an appointment, please phone 524-0562 or 524-0349.
Pharmacy refills provided for active duty members only. Retirees, family members and beneficiaries may use the Main Navy Exchange Pharmacy for refills. For more Pharmacy information, please visit the Pharmacy page.
NBSD Medical Clinic Services Offered:
Administration/Health Records
Acute Care
Health Promotions
Mental Health
Occupational Health
Physical Exams
Physical Therapy
Preventive Medicine
Primary Care / Medical Home Port 556-8101
Radiology 556-7730
Sports Medicine/SMART Clinic 556-5936
Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS) IA / GSA / Reserve / Mobilization Processing 556-6486