The U.S. Naval Academy Textbook Department is located in Bancroft Hall 5th Wing basement in Room 5B02, just outside the 5th Wing Entrance to King Hall.
Core Course and Plebe Box Issue Textbooks are NOT RETURNABLE.
New USNA Textbook Rental Program FAQ:
What is a textbook rental?
Midshipmen have the option to rent (as opposed to buying) in the Non-Core Textbook Issue Center those textbooks that are available for rent. These rentals are for a specific term and are a cost-effective and useful option for midshipmen.
What does it cost to rent a textbook?
The fee for renting a textbook is calculated at up to 50% off of the retail price of the textbook.
How do I know if any of my classes offer textbook rentals?
Non-core course textbook rental prices will be listed on the web, along with the new and used textbook prices. Rental prices will be noted on the shelf tags for your classes in the store as well.
How do I pay for a textbook rental?
We accept all forms of payment.
May I use my Midshipman Card to pay for textbook rentals?
Yes, you may use your Midshipman Card to pay for rented textbooks.
How long is the rental period?
The rental period begins the day you pay for the textbook rental and runs through the last day of final exams for the term in which it is rented. All rented textbooks must be returned to the Non-Core Textbook Issue Center in good condition and by the last day of finals.
May I mark the inside of the book with a highlighter or make notes in the margins?
Yes, normal highlighting and writing is permitted in the rental textbooks. Staff members will use the same standards for determining the acceptable condition of rental textbooks as used for determining the condition of books purchased from students at textbook buyback.
What happens if I drop a class?
If you drop a class during the regular non-core textbook refund period (5 work days from the start of class or date of purchase), you may terminate your rental agreement for the textbook(s) for that class and receive a refund. After that time and through the add course deadline noted on the USNA academic calendar, a refund will be granted for instances of a dropped class. You must provide proof of the dropped class and return the book(s) to the Non-Core Textbook Issue Center within the required period.
What happens if I do not return the book by the due date?
Your Midshipman Card will be charged for the replacement cost of the textbook, in addition to a processing fee. The book will be yours to keep.
What happens if I lose a rented textbook?
If a rental book is not returned for any reason, your Midshipman Card will be charged a processing fee and for the replacement price of the textbook.
What if I forget when the rental is due?
As a courtesy we will send a reminder notice to your midshipman email address. However; it is your responsibility to return the book by the due date, even if you do not receive this email. Remember that rental books are due by the last day of final exams.

Leave a Review
1 Review
It was somewhat of a pain that we HAD to purchase the core curriculum textbooks, and didn't have an option to pay less. "Just sign here that says you paid $180 for your calculus textbook." Oh, thanks. The actual textbook shop itself is nice because they had a good assortment of used and new books for every class.
posted about 10 years ago