The Midshipmen Repair Tailor Shop is located in 5th Wing basement (5B14) in the north east corner of the Services Mall. Midshipmen must be in Uniform of the Day. All services listed here are covered by Midshipman Fees unless otherwise specified.
All services to midshipmen issued uniforms are provided, including annual striping of SDB and FDB Jackets. “While You Wait” services provided to the midshipmen uniforms include hem repairs, small tear repairs, buttons, and name tapes sewn on. Nominal fee charged for civilian clothing, guidon flags, medals mounted, and monogramming.
While you wait services at USNA Repair Tailor Shop:
Replace buttons on shirts, trousers, coats
Repair hems
Repair small rips or tears
Repair linings
Repair zipper
Other Services at the USNA Repair Tailor Shop:
O-Coat and Reefer Alterations
Shirt, Blouse, Trouser and Skirt Alterations
Attach Name Tags and Patches
Attach Athletic Sweater Stars and Letter
Attach Midshipmen lace to SDB jacket

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1 Review
They do a pretty good job overall tailoring any uniforms, though the wait during busy times (beginning and end of each Academic year when everyone needs their uniforms updated) can get pretty bad, so make sure you get your uniforms in early.
posted about 10 years ago