The Nimitz Library at the U.S. Naval Academy offers comprehensive library services to midshipmen and faculty. Service is also provided to USNA military and civilian staff and their family members, to personnel attached to the other activities of the Annapolis Area Naval Complex, and to local retired faculty members and retired military personnel.
Other residents of the Annapolis community and authorized researchers may make use of the Library's resources under specific circumstances.
The Nimitz Library, completed in 1973, is named in honor of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN. A 1905 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Admiral Nimitz served as Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, during World War II.

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1 Review
I used to really enjoy studying at the Nimitz Library when I was a midshipman. They had pretty much any book you could possibly imagine, so it was great for research. It was also really quiet and actually forced me to study or do homework instead of getting distracted all night in the hall. The librarians were hit or miss, but the good ones were insanely helpful with research papers, so make use of them! They love to help.
posted about 10 years ago