The Naval Health Clinic at Hospital Point Annapolis is located across the Bridge from the Naval Academy Library, out on the far end of campus toward Gate 8. Including Radiology and Lab, hours are Monday-Friday 0730 to 1600. The Pharmacy Department hours are Monday-Friday 0730-1800. Civilian prescriptions are accepted Monday-Friday until 1745. If you need to make an appointment at any primary care clinics, please call the appointment line at 410-293-CARE (2273) Mon-Fri between 0800 and 1700. On weekends or after normal working hours, you may contact the Nurse Advice Line by calling the appointment (410-293-2273) or by calling 1-800-TRICARE (1-800-874-2273) and selecting option 1.
**Prior to seeking urgent care in the civilian community, it is extremely important to obtain authorization from either your PCM or the duty provider. Failure to obtain authorization in advance could result in the beneficiary incurring a TRICARE point of service charge, which could be hundreds of dollars.**