Eligible Patrons: Active Duty Military Personnel, Retirees, Dependents, DOD Employees of Pensacola Region
All patrons other than active duty personnel must obtain a referral from their family physician stating they are cleared for an exercise program. The referral should annotate any significant medical history. After receiving the referral, call the Wellness Center to schedule an appointment to design an exercise program.
Certified Staff
Our staff are certified Navy Fitness Trainers. Spin Instructors are certified by Mad Dogg Athletics. We also have certified master indoor rowing instructors and a certified personal trainer.
Crossfit-like Training
High Intensity Workouts; Group Spinning Classes; Body Composition Measurements; Nutrition Analysis; Gait Analysis (with running shoe recommendations); Designed Workouts (change on a regular basis)
Cardiovascular Upright and Recumbent Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Concept II Rowers, Stairmasters and Versaclimber
Strength Training Dumbells; Body Bars, Medicine Balls, Body Master Super Jungle, Nautilus Freedom Trainer; Gravitron, Physio Balls, Ab Solo Machine, Trx-Fitness Anywhere Straps, Resistance Tubes