Built in 1957, Chapel of the Good Shepherd is a classic English European-style chapel that stands near the center of NAS Oceana at the corner of Hornet Avenue and D Street. Standing amid a grove of towering oak trees, the NAS Oceana Chapel is one of the oldest and most historic aviation chapels to display the Wings of Gold. The complex includes the 486-seat main sanctuary and the smaller 25-seat Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Just after morning colors, the sacred music from the chapel bells harmonize with the jet noise as a reminder of what we defend and echo throughout the day, keeping Sailors and Marines anchored in their spiritual heritage.
Chapel of the Good Shepherd (NAS Oceana):
Daily Mass: 1130 Mon-Wed
Sunday Mass: 0730 & 0900
A unique military center community of faith, the Protestant community at Oceana exists specifically to reach out in prayer, witness and love to the military community at Oceana, and encompasses many Christian denominations and sects. A vibrant growing and engaged parish has many service and outreach opportunities to put faith into practice. Weddings and baptisms are by appointment with the Protestant chaplain.
Chapel of the Good Shepherd (NAS Oceana):
Sunday Protestant Worship: 1100
Sunday School: 1000
Sunday Adult Bible Study: 1000
Sunday Children's Church: 1100
People of many faiths enrich themselves through their worship lives. Jewish and Islamic services are held at Naval Station Norfolk. For more information call 757-444-7361. Latter-day Saints (Mormon) services and assistance are provided by request. Please call 757-433-2871 for further information.
Source: NAS Oceana Public Affairs & Facebook Page