DEERS/ID Card Office at NAS Meridian is located at Administration Building 362. Directions are as follows: From Hwy 39, turn onto John C. Stennis Dr. to the Main Gate. Go thru intersection (flashing light) of Rosenbaum Ave. and Fuller Rd. Take the first left pass the NTTC Bldg 362, park in the rear of Bldg., enter at the 'CSD' sign.
To ensure the appropriate amount of time is booked to complete multiple ID Cards or transactions, please book back to back appointments. Please schedule one (1) appointment for every two (2) IDs under the same record.
ALL Sponsors, Spouses, and Dependent Children OVER 18 must have two UNEXPIRED forms of ID to receive a new ID card. One must be a state/government issued photo ID
Please call the facility directly for appointments and detailed instruction.