The Dental facilities located on NAS Lemoore consist of two dental clinics; the main side clinic is located across from the Naval Health Clinic (Main side), building 926 on Franklin Avenue, and the other is located at Hornet Health Clinic (HHC) on Reeves Blvd., building 11 on the Operations Side of the base. The Main Side clinic is a full service dental clinic with specialty care, while the clinic at HHC provides exams only.
They are limited to treating active duty personnel only. Their mission is to provide quality dental care and support to base tenant commands to achieve and maintain Operational Dental Readiness and optimal Dental Health.
Appointment Policy
It is extremely important that you attend all scheduled appointments and arrive 15 minutes early to check in and update information in your dental treatment record. They strive to schedule the proper amount of time needed for planned
procedures so it is vital that together we start on time. We ask that you make sure your command knows of all future appointments so that they can accommodate your time away from your work center. If you need to cancel an appointment for any reason please give us at least a 24 hour notice so we have time to contact another patient to fill your slot. Late arrived or missed appointments will result in notification to your command.
Sick Call
Dental EMERGENCY patients will be seen during normal working hours at main side clinic only. After-hours emergencies should phone the Information Desk at (559) 998-4481 to contact the duty dental officer.
Dental exams are scheduled every 30 min. They ask that you allow a full hour as unexpected delays and sick-call patients occasionally interrupt the exam schedule. Every attempt will be made to get you in and out in a timely manner. Official notification when you need an annual exam is sent to you via your command or e-mail. Please understand that all active duty members are required by Navy directives to maintain dental readiness to ensure mission readiness. Therefore, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible for scheduling.
Overseas Screening
Please call Main Side Clinic to schedule an appointment for family members/ dependents. Please arrive to the clinic 15 minutes prior to your appointment time with all family members present at one time. It is advisable to stop by the clinic before your appointment day to pick up the paperwork required to start a new dental record to minimize delay on the day of the appointment. You must bring all necessary forms (e.g. NAVPERS 1300/1 or equivalent) and if possible, bring photocopies of ALL treatment provided by current local civilian dentists. You may ask your family member's dentist to provide duplicate or original x-rays for the screening. Otherwise, new x-rays may be taken.
Dental Hygiene Appointment
You must be current on your dental exam to schedule your dental hygiene appointment. Dental hygiene must be indicated in your current treatment plan, if recently seen at another command.
Restorative Dentistry and Specialty Care
Routine fillings, root canal treatments, prosthodontics (replacement of missing teeth, fixed bridges/dentures, implants and crowns), periodontal (gum) therapy as well as oral surgery procedures are provided. Depending on complexity or access to care needs, you might be referred to a civilian dentist for treatment via the Active Duty Dental Plan. All referrals must be preauthorized by a Dental Officer. Unauthorized treatments will result in the patients’ responsibility for cost. We do not have orthodontic (braces treatment) capability at NAS Lemoore. Non-deployable patients who wish to receive orthodontic care must do so at their own personal out of pocket expense. It is recommended that you notify and seek chain of command approval before the initiation of any orthodontic treatment. Per BUMEDINST 6670.2A deployable patients are not authorized to have orthodontic treatment.
Night-guards / Sports-guards
They are able to fabricate night-guards and athletic mouth guards as depending on the recommendation of the Dental Officer.
Source: Dental Clinic Website