The ID Card Office at NAS Key West is located at Boca Chica Field on Forrestal St. The RAPIDS Office can assist with all DEERS, CAC, and ID Card issues.
All customers who are age 21 and older must have two (unexpired) forms of ID to receive a new ID card. One must be a state/government issued photo ID
Acceptable Identification Examples
Primary ID Types (Must be unexpired): Military ID, Driver's License, Passport. Secondary ID Types: A second Primary ID or Social Security Card, voter's registration card, Birth Certificate, VA ID or current Student ID with photo.
Changes to your DEERS record
If any changes need to be made to a record, the sponsor must be present or a valid Power of Attorney must be presented each time. Additionally, valid supporting documentation MUST be provided
90 Day Renewal Policy
The policy regarding the timeline for renewing your ID has recently changed. You are now allowed to renew the ID 90 days prior to the expiration date.
ID Card Scanning
All Military Installations have begun scanning ID cards for Base access. If you currently hold an older ID with the SSN printed, it may not scan properly and will be confiscated. Renewal of the ID will then be required.
Dependents without sponsor present
All Dependents without a Sponsor present must have a valid DD Form 1172-2 pre-printed by a DEERS station that has been signed by the Sponsor and a Verifying Official ahead of time. 1172-2 forms can be hand filled but must be notorized and be originals.
Retiree ID Cards
Due to a recent system update, Pre-Medicare Retiree ID cards with a previous "INDEF" end date will now be issued with an expiration date. The front expiration date will now reflect the date of the end of Tricare/Begin date of Tricare for Life.