Reporting Procedures
All new arrivals to the base should report to their unit of assignment for new arrival check-in instructions.
If you are unsure of where you should check-in for your new command or if you check aboard during normal working hours, please report to the Quarterdeck located in Bldg. 1510 Chennault Ave., (817) 782-7152. After hours contact the Command Duty Officer at (817) 825-4079.
If you are on Official PCS Orders to NAS Fort Worth JRB, you will receive priority for temporary housing accommodations. Please contact CBH and make lodging reservations prior to your arrival. The Consolidated Base Housing (CBH) reservations number is 817-782-5483 or DSN 312-739-5483.
If you check aboard during normal working hours, please report to your Command Administration Office. If you check aboard after normal working hours, contact the Command Duty Officer at (817) 825-4079.