The outdoor pool at NAS Jacksonville is 50 meters by 25 yards with a graduated depth from 3 - 12 feet. The pool contains a bathhouse, a children's wading pool complete with a Splash Pad, picnic patio, concession stand and deck, lanes for lap swimming, chairs, tables with umbrellas, lounge chairs and a 150-foot water slide. The pool is available for private parties for a fee and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Also, American Red Cross instructors offer the "Learn to Swim Program." For a swim schedule, use the MWR JAX Aquatics Link.
Source: NavyMWRJax

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1 Review
Love this facility. Free to active duty AND immediate families. Has a toddler spray park right next door without having to leave pool area. Water slide at the deep end for swimmers. Good amount of sitting area and snack bar! Parking is ok but overall a favorite go to place.
posted over 11 years ago