The Child Development Center (CDC) provides full-day, part-day and hourly care for children ages six weeks to 5 years. The Creative Curriculum is used by our highly trained staff to assure families that they're receiving the highest quality care for their children. Parent involvement is deeply encouraged, and activities are planned for parents to participate in with their children at the center. The CDC is fully accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and is certified annually by the Commander, Navy Installation Commands (CNIC). Other opportunities at the CDC are:
-The “Give Parents a Break Program,” which includes Parents' Nights Out and Parents' Days Out events to provide childcare beyond the normal center hours.
-Respite care for family referred by commanding officers, doctors, chaplains or FFSC counselors.
-The Parent Involvement Board, which meets quarterly to help plan activities.
-Volunteering – we love to have people come in and read, play, help re-arrange rooms, etc.
Atsugi CDC Hourly Care
Space-available hourly care is an important service offered by CYP that supports military families who have an occasional need for child care during the hours of 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Per OPNAVINST 1700.9E (3-2), the priority of CYP is to provide care for children of parents who both work full-time or are single parents, which is why children enrolled in the full-time program are given priority for care. Because CYP must prioritize the full-time care program, hourly care spaces are available when there are absences (spaces for children who are enrolled in the full-time program but not present that day) or vacancies (un-enrolled spaces in a full-time care classroom) in classrooms for children enrolled in full-time care. While absenteeism is often the result of children being sick or on vacation, vacancies can be attributed to reasons such as spaces not being filled in timely manner or lack of children on the wait list. If space is available, CYP makes every effort to meet the needs of military families and serve them.
CYP takes reservations for hourly care up to 30 days in advance. Hourly care is first-come, first-served based on available expected spaces for any given day, so it is best to call as soon as possible within the 30-day window to reserve care. When parents inquire about hourly care availability for a given day, central registration staff checks the reservation log. The log lists the total of number of hourly care spaces generated by its available space tool. If space is not available on the desired day, it may still become available if there is a full-time care cancellation — so parents may call back at a later date to check if a space has opened up. CYP is not able to offer hourly care outside the hours of 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., except when there are extenuating circumstances such as a family emergency or doctor's appointment in Yokosuka.
Source: Navy Life Atsugi Website