The MCLB Barstow Semper Fit Gym and Fitness Center caters to the health, well being, and morale of all aboard the base. Health & Fitness for active duty, family members, retirees, and authorized civilian population. The gym offers group exercise classes, wellness program, combat fitness training, nutrition seminars, and personal training appointments are available upon request.
Semper Fit provides a comprehensive fitness, recreation, sports, and health promotion program, providing a team of fitness experts, health educators, and sports and recreation professionals that encourage and support healthy lifestyles.
Source: MCCS Barstow Website
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3 Reviews
Awesome and courteous staff. Facilities are clean neat and organized exactly what you'd expect from any professional organization. Sauna and showers are available. indoor and basketball courts are spacious and and in terrific shape.
posted about 6 years ago
Hands down best facility in the area. Sanitary and top of the line equipment. Sauna is fantastic.
posted about 8 years ago
I am being told that due to the fact I am an Army contractor I am not allowed to utilize the facility. I served 8 years proudly in the United States Army I thought that meant something. I am also being told the lady running the gym does not want Army in the gym. I would like to dispel any rumors and by being courteous to all whom served this country and allow us something small as utilizing the gym to workout. I would die for this country but I cant use the gym, doesn't make sense.
posted almost 9 years ago