The Auto Skills Center at MCB Quantico provides assistance with repair, maintenance and instruction on automotive needs for Marines and their families. The shop offers the assistance of a certified mechanic and the equipment needed to repair and rebuild a personal vehicle, classes in preventive maintenance and repairs, and has a resale area stocked with oil, filters and vehicle fluids.
Tools and Facilities
Two post lifts-8
Drive on oil change lifts-2 oil and lube only
Alignment Rack-1 Alignment only. No oil changes.
Heavy duty 12,000 lb Lifts-2 included in the post lift count used for pickup trucks, gas and diesel.
Air operated motorcycle drive on Lift -1
Flat stalls-5
Quality Tools
Trained Staff
Engine Room
Storage Space
Services and Prices
Due to high demand, appointments are necessary for the staff performed services. Appointments are only available Wednesday-Friday, and are required to be made at least 24 hours in advance.
*Air Conditioner Service, plus Freon $75.00
Arbor Press, per hour, by patron $5.00
Arbor Press, by staff $30.00
Battery Charge $5.00
Brake Drums, performed by staff $11.00
Engine Room Storage, per day $2.00
Fenced Lot Usage, per day, 15 days paid in advance $3.00
*Fuel Induction Cleaning, plus materials $45.00
Glass Bead Machine, per half-hour $15.00
Grease Gun $2.00
John Bean 3D Aligner Alignment (appointment only):
*4 Wheel Alignment $70.00
Lifts, first hour or any fraction of; additional hours charged in 1/2 hour increments $8.00 (Active Duty,
Family Member,
$10.00 (DoD)
*Limited Technical Inspections $15.00
*Snap-on Scan Tool Diagnosis $40.00
Repair Flat Tires, per tire, attendant assistance $5.00
Rotors, each, performed by staff $10.00
Stall Rental, first hour or any fraction of $6.00 (Active Duty,
Family Member,
$8.00 (DoD)
Stall Rental, overnight $4.00
Tire Disposal, per tire $3.00
Tire Mounting, each, performed by staff $7.00
Tire Mounting, low profiles performed by staff $9.00
Tire Mounting, oversized tires 21+ $11.00
Valve Stems $2.00
Welding, per half hour $10.00
Portable Motorcycle Lift, per hour $5.00 (For everyone)
Wheel Balances, per wheel $7.00
Wheel Balance, oversized tire, per wheel $11.00
Wheel Balances, low profile tires $9.00
*Transmission Flush, fluid not included $60.00
Staff will NOT mount used tires.
Prices subjected to change.
FREE Vehicle Safety Inspections
Free inspections for Active Duty and family members are performed only on dates and times specified on a first-come, first-served basis.
Inspections average 20-30 minutes depending on make and model of vehicle.
Patron must stay with vehicle.
Copy of inspection results will be given to patron when inspection is completed.
All classes are FREE and given while Auto Skills Center is closed. Beginner level classes go from 1000-1100 on specified dates.
Source; Auto Skills Center Website