The Personal Finance Management offers an accredited Financial Counselor is available (FREE) for any questions or assistance you need on any financial item. Are you living from payday to payday, debts are overwhelming, can’t stick with a budget, manage your checkbook, or don’t know what is on your credit report or how to dispute things, the PFM is here to help. Would you like to know how to start investing? Buy a car and not get ripped off? Make money with the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? Financial Planning for the future? Relieve that stress and take control of your finances today, instead of the finances taking control of you.
Other services provided by Personal Finance Management:
Investment Planning
Traditional IRA’s
Government Securities
Savings Bonds
Consumer Benefits and Rights
Money Management
Budgeting/Cash Management
Use of Credit
Major Purchase Planning
Financial Planning
Goal Setting
Transitional Challenges
Source: Personal Finance Management Website