The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) at MCAS Yuma supports the continuum of care for all eligible sponsors and their family member in order to improve the quality of life for families that support a member with special medical and/or educational needs. EFMP staff and families work together to inform, educate and empower individuals to be the best advocate for themselves and/or their family member(s). The EFMP is a DOD-mandated enrollment program designed to support individual, family and unit readiness.
Family support through an assigned caseworker
Support at IEP meetings and other agency meetings
Family Events
Workshops and trainings
Support groups
Eligibility for TriCare Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) program with qualifying conditions
Relocation assistance
EFMP attorney assistance
Possible eligibility for respite care
Enrollment process
Links to local resources
Family support
On-going training
Research & Referral services
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program (MCO P1754.4B) for all Active Duty personnel who have a family member with a qualifying condition.
Source: MCCS Yuma Website