MCAS Miramar Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) is stood up during times of crisis, including but not limited to terrorist attacks and natural disasters. It provides a place for families to go to receive on-site emergency or referral services.
The EFAC provides a safe, protected, and supportive environment for families to gather while they await information on their missing, unaccounted for, or deceased loved ones.
Following a disaster, plans are to establish the EFAC in the "HUB", Bldg 5305 on Miramar Way. The EFAC provides assistance in the following areas:
Emergency Assistance:
Support to evacuations, reunification of families, provision of aid services, household pet services, shelter management and support, coordination of donated goods and services, and coordination of voluntary agency assistance.
Family Information Call Center (FICC):
Single call-in point for personnel and families needing assistance.
Housing Referral:
Assist displaced families with housing options, rental assistance, repair, loan assistance, replacement, referrals, and other housing assistance.
Human Services:
Programs to help recover non-housing losses. Replacing personal destroyed property, disaster loans, food stamps, crisis counseling, disaster unemployment, legal services, support for special needs populations, and other Federal and State benefits.