Prior to separation, the Transition Readiness Seminar at MCAS Cherry Point is a 5-day mandatory program designed to ease the burden of transition by providing Service members and their families with employment, college, technical and entrepreneurial information and guidance. This interactive program will increase the Service member’s knowledge and confidence through active participation.
About the Transition Assistance Course:
A mandatory briefing to be taken no less than 90 days prior to a Service members’ End of Active Service (EAS) date. Preferable, Service members will attend the TRS 12-14 months prior to EAS. The workshop begins on Monday, prior to the TRS pathways. Dress is the uniform of the day. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Contact your Unit Career Planner to register.
About the Pre-Retirement Course:
A mandatory briefing required for retirees that is held quarterly. The briefing is a 5 day workshop with the first 2 days as an expanded version of the TRS Core Curriculum (Preseparation) and the last 3 days as the Department of Labor Employment Workshop. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Dress is appropriate civilian attire.
Please visit the MCCS website linked above for information on more programs.
Source: MCAS Cherry Point MCCS Website