The Whistle Stop offers a wide variety of quality pre-owned clothing, house wares, toys, and other merchandise to our service men and women and their families.
Profits generated by sales provide scholarships for military dependents as well as financial assistance to local, regional, and national organizations. Anyone with a valid Military ID (Active Duty, Retired, or Dependent) or Government ID is authorized to make purchases at the Thrift Shop.
Volunteers are needed for sorting on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0900 – 1300, and for help during retail hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1000 – 1400. New volunteers will be asked to fill out a Volunteer Registration Form. Daycare reservations at the Child Development Center can be made in writing up to four weeks in advance for volunteers. Volunteers receive childcare reimbursements, mileage reimbursements, and discounts on purchases!
DONATIONS: Serviceable items in good condition are accepted for donation. Items can be dropped off in the donation bin located on the left side of the building (look for a sign with an arrow).
This is a volunteer establishment and business hours rely on volunteer availability.
Source: CherryPointOSC