Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCFTB) at MCAS Beaufort provides Marines and their families with education and training needed to successfully meet the challenges of the military lifestyle. Programs include:
L.I.N.K.S. is an interactive acculturation program to Marine Corps life and MCAS Beaufort. Workshops cover everything from Marine Corps traditions to deployment.
Family Readiness Program Training
Family Readiness offers training to support the Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) as well as Family Readiness Command Team Members.
Readiness and Deployment Support (RDS)
Readiness and Deployment Support prepares military personnel and their families for the challenges of deployment and separation to help create healthier families.
LifeSkills Training and Education provides Marines and their family members with practical skills for successful interactions and positive outcomes at work, home, and in life.
Source: MCCS SC Website