The library at MCAS Beaufort contain a wide variety of books, services and resources for military families including:
Children’s and easy non-fiction books
Young Adult books
Adult fiction and non-fiction
eBooks and eReaders
CDs, DVDs and Playaways
Access to computers, printers, scanners and fax machines (limit of 25 pages per day)
Children’s computers
Game room
Test prep materials
Transition Readiness materials
Professional reading lists
Computer Access
The libraries provide computer access to both adults and children. Patrons must be a registered user in order to access many of the websites and resources offered online. The library staff will provide access codes and user names upon request.
Semper FindIt!
The Dewey Decimal System has been replaced with the Semper FindIt! classification system at the libraries. The new word-based system organizes books into broad subject based categories. Example categories are Cooking, Biography, History, Parenting, Self Help, etc.
The libraries provide access to a wide range of resources for military families including online tutoring, language learning, research, news, periodicals and more. Please visit the library to learn how to gain access to the following:
Mango Languages
Britannica Online
Universal Class
RBdigital Magazines
Navy MWR Digital Library
The Navy General Library Program provides access to 50+ services including audio and eBooks (Overdrive, OneClick and others), digital magazines, auto and home repair (Chilton's), genealogy research (Ancestry, Heritage Quest, etc.) and much, much more.
Source: MCCS SC Website