The Career Resource Management Center (CRMC) at MCAS Beaufort provides career/employment assistance, vocational guidance and transition information to separating Marines and their family members. The tools and information provided enable all separating Marines and their family members to make a successful transition from military to civilian life. Workshops and seminars include:
Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)
VA Medical Records Review
Entrepreneurship (Boots to Business) Pathway
Accessing Higher Education
Troops to Teachers
Federal Employment Workshop
Personal Readiness Seminar (PRS)
To register for classes please contact your Unit Career Planner, Unit Transition Counselor or
Command Career Counselor.
Personal Readiness Seminar (PRS)
PRS is an overview of the Marine for Life cycle model including Personal and Professional Development (P&PD) programs and services and introductory personal finance topics. Marines should attend PRS at their first permanent duty station (FPDS).
Source: MCCS SC Website