The Bowling Center at MCAS Beaufort offers family fun and year-round!
Active Duty - $3.00 per game
Civilians - $3.50 per game
Active Duty Glow Bowl (Friday from 2000 to 2300 and Saturday from 2000 to 2200) - $3.50 per game
Civilians Glow Bowl (Friday from 2000 to 2300 and Saturday from 2000 to 2200) - $4.00 per game
Shoe Rental - $2.00 per pair
1 Hour Bowl - $20.00 per lane
Pro Shops
Our Pro Shops carry a limited supply of bowling equipment and can order bowling balls and bags for you. Orders are placed every Friday.
Bowling Packages
Have your next birthday party or celebration at one of our Bowling Centers. 2 week advanced notice required. Units/sections must first contact their Unit coordinator if using unit funds for a party.
Rates for bowling are $2.50/game ($3 for civilians) and $2 shoe rental. For birthday parties, please give advance notice of 5 days. Bumper bowling is available for children 8 and under.
Snack Bar Grill will shut down 30 minutes before closing time.
Source: MCCS SC Website