TAPGPS at Maxwell AFB is provided through the Airman and Family Readiness Center to assist Service Members and their dependents when they separate/retire from the military. The current mandatory components include:
Pre-Separation Counseling: the first step to ensure all separating service members are informed of the transition services, resources and benefits available. This is a pre-requisite before attending the 5-Day GPS Workshop. Start the process 1 year out for separatees and 2 years for retirees.
Transition Goals, Plans, Success Workshop: (5 days) – Consist of (1) DoD Military Occupational Crosswalk, Finances, and Resilience (2) Department of Labor Employment Workshop (3 days, with some exemptions) (3) Veterans Affairs Benefits Briefings I & II (NO EXEMPTIONS).
Capstone – One-on-one counseling to verify Career Readiness Standards are met (verification of resume, 12-month post separation budget, ITP, GAP Analysis A&B, Continuum of Service counseling, DOL Gold Card and eBenefits registration. A&FRC and Commander Signature required.
Source: Airman & Family Readiness Website