The Food Court at MacDill AFB is located in the Main Exchange (BX).
Anthony's Pizza
(813) 840-2113
Mon-Sat 1100-1500
Closed Sunday
(813) 840-9005
Mon-Sat 0800-1830
Sun 1030-1600
Taco Bell
(813) 840-2200
Mon-Sat 1030-1700
Closed Sunday
Charley's Grilled Subs
(813) 840-2200
Mon-Sat 0800-1800
Sun 1000-1700
Dunkin Donuts
(813) 325-8349
Mon-Sat 0600-1800
Sun 0900-1600
Manchu Wok
Mon-Fri 1030-1500
Closed Saturday and Sunday

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2 Reviews
Manchu wok made me so sick ! I would not send my worst enemy to this place.
posted almost 8 years ago
We go to the exchange often and eat at the food court and one thing we have noticed is that at the navy exchanges the food courts have more to offer is there a chance to get other eating places in the food court
posted about 8 years ago