Legal Office at Luke AFB provides confidential advice to all service members concerning personal civil matters and military affairs. Attorneys are available to provide advice on issues of marriage, divorce, adoption, insurance, personal injury, claims, rentals and leases, indebtedness, wills, and estate planning. The legal office also provides powers of attorney, vehicle license tax forms, and notaries. Air Force lawyers can not represent members in civilian court, in civilian business matters or fill out civilian legal paperwork. However, attorneys can offer legal advice early and often, preventing problems from escalating Their walk-in legal assistance hours to speak with an attorney are 0900-1000 hours on Tuesday and 1400-1500 hours on Thursday (Except the last Thursday of the month). No retiree wills will be done during these times. Legal advice is not given on the phone. Power of Attorney and Notary service are available.
Hours of Operation :
Notaries, Powers of Attorney and Tax in Lieu Forms:
Monday – Wednesday 0830-1430 hours
Thursday - 1030 - 1630 hours
Friday – Closed
Call Tuesday or Thursday 0730-0815 hours for a same day appointment.
Our appointment telephone number is 623-856-6937