The Chapels on Luke AFB offer a variety of services.
Pastoral Counseling:
The chaplains are always available for pastoral counseling. The chaplain - client relationship ensures total
confidentiality. It is the policy of the United States Air Force Chaplain Service that under no circumstances (except with
the client’s consent) will a chaplain ever compromise the privilege by disclosing information revealed in a confidential
setting. To set up an appointment to speak with a chaplain, call (623) 856-6211.
Planning on getting married soon?
Please contact the Chapel at a minimum of six months prior to your wedding to begin preparation. Pre-marital counseling
is considered an essential part of marriage preparation. A three to six month time is reasonable for such a preparation.
For pre-marital counseling, please set up an appointment with a chaplain. To coordinate your wedding and reserve a time
and chapel, please call the wedding coordinator at the LCC, (623) 856-6211.
Worship Schedule
Catholic Sunday Services
Sunday Mass
Liturgy of the Word
Daily Mass
Luke Community Chapel
(M,T,TH)Blessed Sacrament Chapel,LCC
(W&F) Blessed Sacrament Chapel, LCC
8:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
CONFESSION: Confessions upon request and after masses.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: (September through May)
• Preschool through high school: Sundays at 11:00 AM in building 1150.
• Rite of Initiation for Adults: Sundays at 11:00 AM in the LCC.
Protestant Sunday Services
Traditional Service
Contemporary Gospel Service
Chapel on the Mall Bldg 25
Luke Community Chapel (LCC) Bldg 799
0900 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Holy Communion is held on the 1st Sunday of each month.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: LCC, Blg 799, Conference Room, 0830.
We have a Buddhist group that meets the 2nd Saturday of the month, 100-1200 LCC Conference
Room, POC: Regina McFadden 323-336-0233
Other Faith Traditions - Please call the Luke Community Chapel at (623) 856-6211