Harbor View Lounge
Fridays, 4 pm - 11 pm
21+ in Bar Area
The Community Center is located at Fort MacArthur & occupies a beautifully landscaped site overlooking the San Pedro beaches. Designed as a mixed-age, multi-use facility, the Community Center is not only a popular location for military functions, trainings, off-sites, retirements, and workshops; but it is also a popular location to host parties, weddings, anniversaries, and other special celebrations.

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1 Review
Have participated in multiple Mother's Day Buffets at this facility -- all were phenomenal! They made my husband and our son jealous that the same event wasn't offered for Father's Days. BTW we did attend the first and so far only Father's Day Buffet in 2016; it was such as awesome but unfortunately not well-attended so probably why shamefully one doesn't seem to be planned for 2018. Fathers also need special love and attention on their special holiday!
posted almost 7 years ago