Little Rock AFB Pharmacy is located at the 19th Medical Group, and its hours of operation are 0730-1630 hours. Off base prescriptions are processed from 0730-1130 and 1300-1600 hours. Prescriptions may be dropped off from 1130-1300 for pick-up after 1400. All hard copy prescriptions for C-II controlled substances must be hand signed by your provider; electronic signatures or stamped prescriptions not accepted for these items. Most prescriptions expire one year from the date written by the provider, but those for controlled substances expire six months from the date written. Please refer to the information sheet on the following page for faxed prescription requirements on page. Also, phone-in prescriptions from providers are not accepted.
Additionally, in order to better serve patients, the pharmacy has a mandatory call-in refill policy. The automated refill line is available 24 hours a day at (501) 987-7457 or toll free at 1-877-329-5762. Alternatively, refills may be requested using the TRICARE Online website. In order to verify eligibility for care and as a patient safety measure, a military ID card is required to pick up prescriptions. If you are picking up prescriptions on behalf of another patient 18 years of age or older, you must have the patient’s military ID card (or a front & back photocopy).
Your safety is the priority! Please ask for the Patient Advocate if you have any concerns regarding customer service. If you have questions about our formulary medications or policies please contact a pharmacy staff member.