The Crossbow Dining Facility provides a daily hot plate meal that is rotated every 21 days and offers a wide variety of fast food items, including soup and sandwich specials. There’s a Subway-style deli line where customers can create their own sandwiches.
Hours of Operation:
Hours of Operation:
Breakfast: 0600-0800
Lunch: 1100-1300
Dinner: 1630-1900
Weekend Hours
Brunch: 0630 - 1230
Supper: 1700 - 1900
Check out the Crossbow Mess Hall Website link for weekly specials and a monthly menu.
Source: jbleforcesupport

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1 Review
As a new airman assigned to Langley AFB and a meal card holder and being forced to eat at the CrossBow Dining Facility, I must complain that your menus have to be the worst menus in the Air Force. The meals at Basic Training (Lackland AFB) and (Shepard AFB, TX) Tech school are by far better. At the Crossbow, I haven't seen grilled steak, roast beef, pot roast, baked ham, roast turkey. Please help us get some good solid food. Maybe that big roast beef round. Thank you
posted over 8 years ago